Or is it "health is wealth" like a bunch of us have always been familiar with? Guess it's all in the bid to nudge us all to live healthy. Has "health is wealth" ever been a constant and will it ever be? It's hard to tell the truth but probably not too difficult or just simply impossible to tell oneself a lie.
Health doesn't always equate to wealth. Each phenomenom (health and wealth) ought to be considered in it's own rights and I think we should all lean more towards reality. If you're very healthy but only manage to put food on your table or pay the bills, then you're not anywhere near being wealthy. If I trust in my GP's judgement the last time (of my not dementing), then I can confidently say most medics have come to downplay their own health and think the least about wealth the former not being excusable and the latter due to misconception or share ignorance.
The above is probably a one-sided view of a few concerned. You're welcome to review this short article, share your conception/views/ideas and probably pave way for a different train of thought with the next generation of health care providers.